Questions or comments? Please email [email protected]
Connection Mode | Node |
Echolink Primary (*DODROPIN*) | 355800 |
Echolink Backup (*DODROPN2*) | 605013 |
Echolink second Backup (VO1UKZ-l) | 294118 |
Eastern Allstar link in St. John’s, Newfoundland | 50241 |
Allstar link in Las Vegas, Nevada (courtesy of w7jca) | 49447 |
Western Allstar link in Medicine Hat, Alberta | 62470 |
IRLP Node | 9616 |
RF/Allstar node, local to Gardener lake, East Machias, Whiting, Machias, ME. | 145.550 Mhz |
DoDropin is also on Facebook, in the *DODROPIN* group, and on the Discord DODROPIN server. Have Darryl our system manager invite you to the Discord group, it just works better.